Binding Freedom Ski Inserts Comp Installation Kit


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Binding Freedom Ski Inserts Comp Installation Kit

Includes: Stepped drill bit, bottoming tap, insert deburring tool, Screwdriver for 1/4″ Hex, Insert installation tool.

Streamline your installations with all the tools you need for a professional installation. Drill, deburr, tap, and install the inserts faster and cleaner than was ever possible. Pro-tip: count 4-5 turns on the tapping handle and you’ll be at the bottom of the hole – no more guessing!

These tools are specifically selected to be compatible with the Threaded Inserts sold on this site. Note that not all thread cutting taps will cut deeply enough to work – this one does. For installing inserts, you will also need general purpose epoxy (approx. 1 packet per 15 inserts).

For full instructions on how to install Binding Freedom inserts please click here:

Additional information

Weight 0.250 kg

Product videos

Binding Freedom Insert tutorial

In this video we take a look at Binding Freedom Inserts and how to install them. Please feel free to leave any questions you may have in the comments below. For more information call us on 01539 734701 or email us at

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